#1 FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 diampu oleh seluruh sumber daya manusia THH angkatan 2010 yang berjumlah 20 orang.
#2 Baju angkatan THH (FORESTECH 2012-2013) berwarna biru
#3 Kunjungan Industri (Industrial Visit) 2012 yang merupakan program kerja Departemen Techno-Inc diketuai oleh Kepala Departemen Jaringan dan Kerjasama (Dering Keras) dan dilaksanakan di Jawa dan Bali.
#4 Stempel FORESTECH yang harus dibawa karena merupakan syarat pencairan dana di Kementrian Kehutanan di Jakarta ternyata tertinggal di Yogyakarta dan dalam waktu dan dana yang terbatas membuat stempel digital kilat dengan contoh lambang FORESTECH yang digambar dengan tangan.
#5 FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 telah membuat 7 video foto-foto kegiatan.
#6 Dalam salah satu agenda FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 mengajak mahasiswa D3 sebagai peserta.
#7 Ada dua agenda dalam FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 yang waktu penyelenggaraannya hanya berjarak 4 hari, yaitu Technoshare (3 Mei 2012) dan Technobreak (7 Mei 2012).
#8 Ada dua agenda dalam FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 yang pelaksanaannya dilebur menjadi satu rangkaian acara, yaitu Workshop dan Kunjungan Lab dari Departemen Techno-Inc dan BERKAH THH (Bersama Keluarga Harmonis THH) dari Departemen PSDM dan Kaderisasi (Pengembara).
#9 FORESTECH sampai dengan kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 telah mengumpulkan piala kejuaraan sejumlah 13 buah dari bidang olahraga (11 piala dan 1 piala bergilir) dan bidang kejurnalistikan (1 piala).
#10 FORESTECH periode 2012-2013 memiliki 2 buah sekretariat.
#11 FORESTECH kepengurusan periode 2012-2013 telah mencetak lebih dari 10 banner untuk publikasi.
I’m sorry for the straight forward me, I know that this would be considered as ‘curhat’, but whatever…
The 5th semester of us, year of 2010, had ended. There were so many things had happened and I would like to share it, in my point of view. Well, it maybe not only on the 5th semester but I may also shared how the 4th semester went, a little.
- This semester, I spent the daily routine in campus with you, I considered you all as my friend and family, Forest Product Technology year of 2010. At the beginning, I felt weird to have a small class every day at the Forest Product Technology subjects. But I found it very convenient to study in a small class rather than in a big class. I would get to know you all better, the teachers better, and we could get to work in group better. That’s my point of view.
- This semester, I was really glad to get to know to the seniors and juniors, especially seniors from Forest Product Technology major, and juniors who are interested in Forest Product Technology. The seniors, they are full of great people, hardworking, unique, funny, interesting, and I’m glad to consider them as big brothers or big sisters in a family. The juniors, I’m looking forward to you to join our big family. We were having a great time to get to know you within our activity, and we apologized if there were many inconvenience as we spent the time together. Well, that’s what we are…
- This semester, I got to know the teachers of Forest Product Technology major. They are great and there were many habits of them that were really funny and that made us to be kept in our mind. Mr. Joko’s humorous lecture, Mr. Tjipto’s code handwriting, Mr. Prayit’s speaking lecture, Mr. Gentur’s motivation lecture, and many more. Thank you for all the lessons given in this semester and maybe more ahead.
- This semester, aside from the academic and lecture routine, I spent the time with the Family of Forest Product Technology, or you can say Forestech. Well, it just like the usual what an organization activities mostly do, that were meetings, deadlines, letters, and meetings again, but I found that it was somehow refreshing.
I learned many more things aside from academics, and that was really worth my time in college life. There were also times I got bored with those activities, really exhausted somehow, but I realized that it was actually the dynamic system of how the organization works. I give my best regards to my friends, my partners, my family, who helped me got through those hard times and gave me some good memories and experiences of this kind of thing. Those experiences are really valuable.
Well, that was my story of the whole year I spent when I got into this major, Forest Product Technology. I got to know many great people, many great friends, and also I found a big family in it. I hope it’s not gonna end…
(Hanifah, THH 2010)